Productivity Focus:
The IIST is the only sales training institution in the country that
- Informs its trainees of the sales performance levels they can reach with every training module.
- Mentors its trainees, after classroom training is over, for higher sales performance as compared to their performance prior to joining any of the training modules.
- Works closely with life offices to design sales management systems that are congruous with the training inputs given to the trainees. This practice recognizes the fact that training and sales management go hand in hand.
- Customizes training inputs to sales management practices of the life office.
- Has a highly successful training content for formation of good working habits amongst sales persons.
The Chief Academic Policy of IIST is to work for enhancing the sales productivity expressed as policies per month per agent or premium per month per agent/policy. Working closely with the customers, IIST customizes training content to synchronize with:
- The incentive structure of sales managers and agents/direct marketing executives
- The established working and reporting methods
- The desired performance levels expected from the sales force